Using a custom module name/link for your client area

In order to access the client area of serverping from a custom module name, you will need to install the ServerPing alias module which allows you to access the client area from a custom module name. e.g. index.php?m=monitoring instead of index.php?m=serverping.

  • Download the ServerPing Alias Module at
  • Extract the file and upload the monitoring folder to your WHMC's module/addons directory.

This module by default allows you to access the ServerPing client area from index.php?m=monitoring instead of index.php?m=serverping. It can be renamed so you can access the client area of ServerPing through any module name you would like.

** To use the default index.php?m=monitoring Alias **

  1. Create a symbolic link to the main module/addon/serverping.php file from within the monitoring directory.
    1. e.g. ln -s /home/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/serverping/serverping.php /hone/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/monitoring/serverping.php
  2. Create a symbolic link to the ServerPing's template directory from within the monitoring directory.
    1. e.g. ln -s /home/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/serverping/templates/ /home/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/monitoring/templates
  3. Active the module in WHMCS and you will now be able to access the client area from index.php?m=monitoring
  4. After you have verfied the new module alias is working, edit the ServerPing server module at modules/servers/severping.php
    1. Find the serverping_ClientArea function and update the links in the $code variable to your new module alias.

** To use a custom module name, index.php?m=yourname **


  1. Create a symbolic link to the main module/addon/serverping.php file from within the monitoring directory.
    1. e.g. ln -s /home/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/serverping/serverping.php /hone/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/monitoring/serverping.php
  2. Rename each function in the monitoring.php file to the alias you would like to use, for example if you would like to access the client area module from index.php?m=servermonitoring you would rename the functions to: servermonitoring_config, servermonitoring_clientarea
  3. Rename the monitoring.php file to the same name as above, continuing our example above rename this file to servermonitoring.php
  4. Rename the directory the same name
  5. Create a symbolic link to the ServerPing's template directory from within this new directory.
    1. e.g. ln -s /home/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/serverping/templates/ /home/admin/whmcs/modules/addons/servermonitoring/templates
  6. Active the module in WHMCS and you will now be able to access the client area from index.php?m=yourname
  7. After you have verfied the new module alias is working, edit the ServerPing server module at modules/servers/severping.php
    1. Find the serverping_ClientArea function and update the links in the $code variable to your new module alias.


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